Firms are facing huge pressure to improve their Anti-Financial Crime (AFC) capabilities in 2019 across fraud, cyber, AML, sanctions, data security, ABAC.

The combination of new and evolving regulation, firms’ operational complexity and increases in cyber crime have led to dissatisfied clients, poor risk management, massive compliance costs and increased competition from challenger banks.

This situation is only getting worse as shortage of expertise, cultural resistance to change, and depleted internal resources create barriers to digital transformation in a fragmented solutions marketplace.

Maturing Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is being positioned as ‘the answer’ – some estimating it can reduce costs in AFC by as much as 47%.*

*Autonomous, April 2018, “Machine Intelligence & Augmented Finance” “There is no question that AI shows great promise in the long term – it could transform our industry…”

Rob Gruppetta,
Head of Financial Crime, Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
Nov 2018



[AI] has the potential to slash the costs of the [regulatory] challenge … by reducing false positives in monitoring systems and redirecting the efforts of human experts to other, more productive, areas

World Economic Forum,
Jan 2019


What outcomes do organisation stakeholder groups seek from their Client Journey, Risk Management and AFC Operating Models?

Business: Reduce onboarding and maintenance bottlenecks to accelerate timelines and improve client journeys, enable data-driven granular understanding of clients.

COO & CTO: Improve the efficiency, accuracy, and adaptability of screening and transaction monitoring workflows to provide efficiency gains and improved KPIs.

Regulatory & Compliance: Automate governance of complex models and reporting tools to support regulatory review and put compliance in the front-line

Risk Management: Segment clients according to contextual and transactional behaviour to better evaluate emerging AFC threats and improved risk thresholds



How can organisations grasp the AI opportunity? Is AI a Silver Bullet or a Red-Herring?

What best practices and practical implementation insights are available for organisations to up their game in client digital journeys, risk management & AFC?

An executive workshop of leaders & practitioners from Business, CIO, COO, AFC and Change will assess the opportunity of adopting data-driven AI approaches and discuss practical ways to solve business issues related to AML / AFC. Whether you are an AI skeptic, evangelist or pragmatist, attend this session to:

  • Understand AI and how it relates to AFC, Client Journey & Risk Management
  • See 3 core business use cases of AI in action with live solutions
  • Understand how to structure the implementation journey & pitfalls to avoid

1. Understand the business challenges & where you can up your game in AFC?

2. Live solutions: 3 core AFC business use cases with AI

3. How to remove barriers & implement with success