Leading Point and P9 Form Collaboration to Accelerate Trade and Transaction Reporting



Leading Point and Point Nine (P9) will collaborate to streamline and accelerate the delivery of trade and transaction reporting. Together, they will streamline the delivery of trade and transaction reporting using P9’s scalable regulatory solution, and Leading Point’s data management expertise. This new collaboration will help both firms better serve their clients and provide faster, more efficient reporting. 

London, UK, July 22nd, 2022 


P9’s in-house proprietary technology is a scalable regulatory solution. It provides best-in-class reporting solutions to both buy- and sell-side financial firms, service providers, and corporations, such as ED&F Man, FxPro and Schnigge. P9 helps them ensure high-quality and accurate trade/transaction reporting, and to remain compliant under the following regimes: EMIR, MiFIR, SFTR, FinfraG, ASIC, CFTC and Canadian. 


Leading Point, a highly regarded digital transformation company headquartered in London, are specialists in intelligent data solutions. They serve a global client base of capital market institutions, market data providers and technology vendors.  


Leading Point are data specialists, who have helped some of the Financial Services industry’s biggest players organise and link their data, as well as design and deliver data-led transformations in global front-to-back trading. Leading Point are experts in getting into the detail of what data is critical to businesses. They deliver automation and re-engineered processes at scale, leveraging their significant financial services domain expertise. 


The collaboration will combine the power of P9’s knowledge of regulatory reporting, and Leading Point’s expertise in data management and data optimisation. The integration of Leading Point’s services and P9’s regulatory technology will enable clients to seamlessly integrate improved regulatory reporting and efficient business processes. 


Leading Point will organise and optimise P9’s client’s data sets, making it feasible for P9’s regulatory software to integrate with client regulatory workflows and reporting. In a statement made by Christina Barbash, Business Development Manager at Point Nine, she claims that, “creating a network of best-in-breed partners will enable Point Nine to better serve its existing and potential clients in the trade and transaction reporting market.” 


Andreas Roussos, Partner at Point Nine adds:

“Partnering with Leading Point is a pivotal strategic move for our organization. Engaging with consulting firms will not only give us a unique position in the market, but also allow us to provide more comprehensive service to our clients, making it a game-changer for our organization, our clients, and the industry as a whole.”


Dishang Patel, COO and Founding Partner at Leading Point, speaks on the collaboration: 

“We are thrilled to announce that we are collaborating with Point Nine. Their technology and knowledge of regulatory reporting can assist the wider European market. The new collaboration will unlock doors to entirely new transformation possibilities for organisations within the Financial Sector across EMEA.”   


The collaboration reflects the growing complexity of financial trading and businesses’ need for more automation for compliance with regulations, whilst ensuring data management is front and centre of the approach for optimum client success. Considering this, the two firms have declared to support organisations to improve the quality and accuracy of their regulatory reporting for all regimes. 


About Leading Point 

Leading Point is a digital transformation company with offices in London and Dubai. They are revolutionising the way change is done through their blend of expert services and their proprietary technology, modellr™. 

Find out more at: www.leadingpoint.io   

Contact Dishang Patel, Founding Partner & COO at Leading Point – dishang@leadingpoint.io  


About Point Nine 

Point Nine (Limassol, Cyprus), is a dedicated regulatory reporting firm, focusing on the provision of trade and transaction reporting services to legal entities across the globe. Point Nine uses its in-house cutting-edge proprietary technology to provide a best-in-class solution to all customers and regulatory reporting requirements. 

Find out more at: www.p9dt.com    

Contact Head office, Point Nine Data Trust Limited – info@p9dt.com