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The deadline for LIBOR is fast approaching.

Many financial institutions are struggling with their re-papering exercise and are facing similar challenges due to the sheer size, scale and scope of the problem.

Firms are under huge pressure from regulators, clients and their competitors to manage their contractual obligations more effectively:

  • Volume – The sheer volume of legal documentation to track numbers in the millons for many institutions
  • Effort – Low levels of automation and digitisation of legal workflow and processes means high no. of resources and spend on professional services
  • Spend – Current and ongoing major client documentation remediation projects such as Brexit, LIBOR, and QFC
  • Risk – Inability to track legal documentation across silos, products, or clients leads to legal, reputational, and operational risk.

Leading Point FM and iManage are hosting an industry innovation session on the use of machine learning software to automate the review and repapering of documents affected by this and other remediation projects.

Participants will be guided by leading industry practitioners on topics including:

  • De-mystifying how technology can be used in the Finance Industry and the wider use cases it solves
  • Key challenges to implementation and how to overcome them
  • The immediate and future benefits that can be gained in this approach

At this event you have an opportunity to benchmark your organisation’s approach to LIBOR and other regulations that require repapering against your peers with practitioners from the Legal, COO, and Change & Compliance sectors.

Date: 26th February 2020
Venue: City Point, 1 Ropemaker Street, London, EC2Y 9AW
Time: 16:00-18:00 followed by drinks & networking

