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EVENT: 24th September, 2019

Leading Point FM in partnership with Linklaters, DRS and AIMA are briefing buy-side hedge funds and asset managers on the practical challenges they face in the transition away from LIBOR at an AIMA membership briefing.

Interbank offered rates (IBORs) play a central role in financial markets and act as reference rates to hundreds of trillions of dollars in notional of derivatives and trillions of dollars in bonds, loans, securitizations and deposits.

The FCA will no longer seek require banks to submit quotes to the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) – LIBOR will be unsupported by regulators come 2021, and therefore, unreliable. The rate is referenced by over $350trillion of existing financial products. It is instrumental in the derivatives, credit and bond markets as well as being embedded in modelling and accounting systems. LIBOR’s replacement is the largest task the financial markets have ever faced – the clock is ticking.

Please join Leading Point FM and market experts from a wide range of disciplines to discuss the challenges of the cessation of LIBOR.:
– The regulatory backdrop to LIBOR’s demise
– The size and scope of the challenge
– The new risk-free rate replacements
– The practical challenges and opportunities posed by the end of LIBOR

This event is open to AIMA members only. Please contact AIMA here: https://www.aima.org/events.html


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Speakers –

Nick Railton Edwards – Head of Research, DRS

Mark Brown – Derivatives and Structured Products Partner, Linklaters

Rajen Madan – Founder & CEO, Leading Point Financial Markets
