Specialist Data-Driven Business Solutions company Leading Point FM will apply and augment Daric’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) platform to provide lean, accelerated solutions for Anti-Financial Crime to serve both established Financial Institutions and challenger FinTechs.

Firms are facing huge pressures to improve their Anti-Financial Crime (AFC) capabilities in 2019. Large volumes of data, growing regulatory requirements, poor data quality, high compliance & operating costs and customer digital experience are the most common pain points that firms experience.

With Daric’s AI capabilities, Leading Point FM will enable firms to harness the power of ML and AI to identify customer risk, dynamically screen payments against transaction history, automate periodic reviews and enhanced due-diligence processes and embed risk intelligence. The combined approach will give financial institutions deeper understanding of their clients, reduce false positives, assure compliance for new regulations and improve business KPI’s.

The partnership comes ahead of the 5th EU Money Laundering Directive, and multiple, billion-dollar fines handed from U.S and UK authorities.

“By combining our expertise with Daric’s AI and expanding our practice in London with new industry hires, we are equipping our clients with an integrated approach to Anti-Financial Crime, one that is based on real process re-imagining, domain expertise, data assets and AI-powered customer insights rather than point solutions and remediation projects which don’t deliver any meaningful business results. There is a great opportunity for firms to address money laundering, fraud prevention and cyber risk requirements with a holistic approach on the underlying data – this is precisely what the Leading Point and Daric partnership make uniquely possible for firms with substantial savings.” said Rajen Madan during a high profile trade mission of leading UK fintech companies led by the Mayor of London’s International Business Programme, with other leading UK fintech companies to India to explore growth opportunities with investors, FinTechs and Industry Leaders at the Barclays Rise Accelerator in Mumbai.

Daric CTO & Co-Founder Vasant Ramachandran added:

“We are thrilled to be working with Leading Point FM to deliver this end-to-end value proposition and increase the impact of our technology for Anti Financial crime use-cases such as client intelligence, transaction monitoring and risk management. This will allow our clients to drive automation across their workflows and to adopt risk-augmented models based upon data intelligence. Technology and process re-imagining go hand in hand.”


About Leading Point Financial Markets:

Leading Point FM is a data-driven business solutions provider for transformative plays in Financial Services. It works with FinTech, RegTech, DataTech on the one hand and established Financial Institutions to deliver smoother, cost effective business operations. Global financial institutions use Leading Point FM for its Think Fast design, domain data assets and unique ability to deploy ML, AL and DLT in functions such as Client Lifecycle Management, Compliance, Legal, Risk and Data Analytics.


About Daric:

Daric uses Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence to improve client digital journeys, real time transaction screening, fraud prevention and risk intelligence for banks and financial institutions. The company is based in Santa Clara, California. Their technology team includes veterans of Goldman Sachs, Palantir Technologies, Google, and LinkedIn, and their investors include industry leaders including Wells Fargo CEO Richard Kovacevich and Goldcrest Investments.