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What if business transformation could be more like Lego?
Brightly coloured, tactile, and with standardised connectors, Lego bricks can be easily assembled, moved, or replaced. Making changes is easy because the structure is easy to understand, and the components and their purpose visible.
Unfortunately, business operations are nothing like Lego. The complexity in relationships between business services and the dimensions of the stack of associated systems, policies, processes, controls, data and their accompanying activities makes understanding operating models the realm of specialists and specialist tool sets.
As a result, many leaders struggle to track their operating models or digitally transform their business due to a lack of clear information and knowledge, leading to inhibited decision-making, poor communication, wasted change budgets, and unforeseen consequences.
But what if you could lower the barrier for true business understanding?
Join us on 2nd June to understand:
- How firms can visualise and organise their business data to find the relationships within their business that matter
- How to easily track business performance and model ‘what if’ scenarios
- How visualisation of critical domains and data metrics can accelerate project roadmaps and execution
- How you can better communicate your business environment to your stakeholders
Leading Point is proud to launch modellr; a data-driven storytelling tool for change leaders. modellr’s interactive interface provides an intuitive visualisation of business operations, processes and managed risk.

Leading Point
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